Hey bloggers!
I promised you exciting details of my day today, and I don't plan to disappoint! I haven't been to NYC in years and I figured since I was so incredibly close, I might as well take advantage of it. I took the NJ Transit to New York City, and I can official say, I have mastered the NYC train system. :)
this is me attempting to take my picture discreetly, without looking like a tourist. :)
A slightly-crazy, somewhat-embarrassing (but that's another story..) trip later, I arrived to the bustling city and I was instantly in love. <3 Everything about it was hands-down my favorite part of my road trip! I experienced many different things and made a fool of myself in different places, so I am going to go a a total photo-bombing spree and explain them as I go. :) Enjoy!
for a while now I have been obsessed with graffiti and street art. I think it is incredibly beautiful and amazing, so here are some masterpieces I found. :)
as i walked down fifth avenue, I literally gasped when I spotted the first designer store! it was so cool, and I spent some (if not, most) of my time looking lustfully in the store windows, and wishing to go on a shopping spree! and there was a THREE FLOOR H&M. (lol)
is Brad Goreski in? ;)
my personal fav :) look at the mohawk!
I legit, almost asked them to borrow their bags for the picture! :)
i gasped when i saw this one!
for old times sake (and because I want to be a kid again), I had to go to the American Girl Place & FAO Schawrz!
it was extremely hard to go in here and NOT want to buy the entire store.
turns out, they have a McKenna DOLL.
while i was in the big apple, I dabbled in some harmless stalking.
one of my favorite things to do in a big city is take pictures of different people's outfits for my style inspiration boards and for ideas of styling later, so here is some of my favorites i tried to shoot "discreetly." :)
the girl with the red bag & bowler hat? perfection!
her casual chic look has to die for!
neon print shorts & a zara bag. can a photo get any better than that?
'last but not least, I went to the world famous Carnegie Deli!
look at the size of their sandwiches!! i realize i look like a dork...
So after a LONG day of walking around in the heat, I have swollen feet, and I can't feel my legs.. but it was totally worth it! I also got a TON of inspiration photos from this day trip, so be prepared for some more NYC pictures to come! :)
see ya tomorrow, when I am headed back to the normal life..
but I do have some major DIY projects planned for when I get back!
mckenna k. xx
I am going to end this post with a random post of Batman.
Wow this is amazing, super-fantastic. Have I mentioned I love it and wish I was there?