Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Letting Go.

Hey bloggers!

So, during my long absence of blogging, I was thinking about my painting style, techniques, and attitude. Normally, I have my paintings carefully planned out (to the tee) and begin with a precise and neat plan. But lately this has NOT been working for me. I decided it was time to let go. Start something and see where it takes me. I wanted to do something with the melting of crayons, so I sketched this face with Watercolor pencils and crayons, and began dripping, melting, and smearing the melted Crayolas. It turned out SO MUCH better than I had planned and I am so in love. I hope you are too :)

Here's to blogging more often, and letting go of the reins.
McKenna K.

p.s. My photo app is Pixlromatic. I am so addicted and it's so easy. :) (plus it's free!)

1 comment:

  1. I love the technique! Who knows where this will lead? And so good to have you blogging again :)
